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Eligible WPQ Teams
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Teams listed below are currently eligible for this year's World Pool Qualifier (WPQ). These teams should review our local by-laws under the section *Eligible Teams* to make sure you understand the 50% rule in our area. Any teams who do not meet these requirements will lose their eligibility into the WPQ.
Eligible 8Ball Teams
Eligible 9Ball Teams
APA 8Ball WPQ - May 17, 2025 APA
9Ball WPQ - May 18, 2025
Both Tournament Days:
Doors open at 8am
Tournament Board Seating (Draw) at 8:30am
Tournament begins at 9am
Location: Avon Oaks
Address: 1401 N. State St.
Girard,Oh. 44420
Phone: 330-545-4882
Hotels nearby:
Click Here
No outside food or drink allowed. Avon Oaks will have food and drink available for purchase.
Avon Oaks is rented for this event, and the tournament is only open to APA Members. If an APA member brings someone with them that is not an APA member; an APA member with past Sportsmanship issues; or an individual who has been removed from our Local Area of the APA due to any reasons, the APA member is responsible for the actions of that person. If that individual has to be removed from the site (people who have been removed from our Local Area of the APA for any reason will be removed immediately), then most likely the APA member will be removed as well. Please keep this in mind when bringing people with you.